The # 1 Email Subject Line Tester

For Creating Click-Worthy Subject Lines!

Write Email Subject Lines That Drive More Opens, More Clicks, and More Conversations

Why top-notch email subject lines matter...

Guaranteed Delivery

(to an audience who opted-in)

You are 40x more likely to get noticed via email than on Facebook. You have a captive audience who opted-in to your communication. They want to hear from you! Give them a reason to OPEN your emails.

Drives More Conversion

(than ANY other marketing strategy)

Email drives 6x more conversions than a Twitter post. Your email is targeted at an audience who CHOSE to follow you! They’re warm + ready and unlike your social platforms they are product aware.

Gets More ROI

(and it’s gonna be around for awhile)

Email is cheap. The average return on investment per email is $38 for every $1 spent. That means, write a killer email, and you can start raking in the dough $$$

How To Write Powerful Subject Lines Backed By Data...


Capitalize on subject line characteristics that CONVERT

Write like a human talking to a human, match your subject line to the content inside your email, AND don't be afraid to break the rules (throw convention + formality to the wind).


Optimize your character & word count for increased opens!

Create scannable, easy to digest subject lines. The right amount of words—and characters—can make all the difference in your open rates!


Harness the power of emojis.

Use emojis in your subject lines to add a little personality and boost open rates by as much as 57%.


Always be testing!

Sure, intuition is nice BUT A/B testing tends to embarrass intuition (in a good way). Thus, whenever possible, create two varying subject lines and TEST those suckers!

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